AgreenaCarbon is now Verra registered: A game-changing milestone for regenerative agriculture

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December 5, 2024.4 minutes

Regen Wrapped: Big data, bigger impact

Big data, bigger impact: Scaling regenerative agriculture

Cover crops, uncovered: Soil’s best friends

From waste to wonder: The magic of organic manure

Wheat for the world: The crop that feeds billions

Crop bangers on repeat: Agreena’s top crops from last year’s harvest

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    Wheat: Wheat remains a cornerstone of agriculture, used in bread, pasta, and animal feed. Grouping winter and spring varieties reflects its year-round importance in food systems. This versatile crop sustains both diets and industries, supporting everything from baking to brewing.

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    Maize: Known in some parts as corn, maize is a staple for everything from tortillas to livestock feed. It’s also a major player in biofuels like ethanol, powering both meals and machines.

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    Sunflowers: These sunny giants aren’t just pretty—they’re the source of sunflower oil, a kitchen essential, and protein-rich snacks. The leftover seeds? Great for livestock feed.

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    Beans: High in protein and low in emissions, beans are the backbone of plant-based diets and animal feeds as an excellent alternative to soya. They also enrich the soil by fixing nitrogen, making them a favourite for crop rotations.

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    Rapeseed: A versatile oilseed crop valued for its high-quality oil and protein-rich meal. A staple in biofuel production and cooking oils, it’s also a key player in crop rotations. Its deep roots improve soil structure, while its bright yellow flowers support pollinators, making it a win for both farming and the environment.

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    Barley: Barley is a multi-tasker in brewing, animal feed, and food products like soups and stews. Grouping winter and spring barley highlights its adaptability to different growing conditions, ensuring it plays a vital role across diverse industries.

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