AgreenaCarbon is now Verra registered: A game-changing milestone for regenerative agriculture

Discover the impact

Reduce farm emissions and unlock sustainable finance

Our data solutions help you explore, promote and document regenerative agriculture across your farm investment and lending, with a range of benefits.

Data solutions

Deep dive into one farm or get insights across many

Incorporate Agreena’s high quality data solutions for better insights, monitoring and decision making across your portfolio.

  • A cloud with "CO2" written on it

    Document emissions across your portfolio

  • Offer sustainable finance to eligible farmers

  • Support strategies for increasing regenerative practices on farms you invest in

Regenerative farming scorecards

These in-depth profiles of individual farms use verified data to show the degree to which each regenerative practice has been implemented over time, alongside the farm’s emissions footprint.

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Farming insights platform

Get a comparative view of fields within single farms or across multiple farms, showing which tillage practices have been used and whether cover crops have been planted.

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The future depends
on a more sustainable agriculture system that uses regenerative practices.

With Agreena, your loan and investment portfolio
can help build that future,
one hectare at a time.

Regenerative farming scorecards

An in-depth profile based on verified data

Our scorecards are based on high quality data and robust quantification. They give a concise but comprehensive overview of any farm on the AgreenaCarbon programme, showing emissions and to what degree regenerative practices have been used.


Get an aggregated score on the implementation of regenerative agriculture.


Understand and support farms’ tillage practices, use of cover crops and fertiliser, and residue management.


Demonstrate a farm meets your eligibility criteria for green finance.


Get accurate, verified figures that can be used in financed emissions disclosures.

Farming insights platform

Assess regenerative farming uptake across many farms

Get a broad, high level overview that shows where basic regenerative practices are being used on farms. Compare fields within a single farm, or across any number of farms in the areas we cover.


Select one or more geographical areas of interest you want data on.


Compare tillage practices and use of cover crops across a set of farms or fields.


Gauge farm potential for adopting regenerative practices.


Choose where to focus your efforts to have the maximum impact on farm emissions.

Agreena for companies

Explore other company solutions

Work towards your ESG and net zero goals with our comprehensive solutions.

Carbon credits

Buy high-quality, nature-based carbon credits

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Supply chain solutions

Decarbonise your agricultural supply chains

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