AgreenaCarbon is now Verra registered: A game-changing milestone for regenerative agriculture

Discover the impact

Report by Agreena

Learn how to leverage regenerative agriculture data for Scope 3 reductions

From food producers to financial lenders, discover how leading organisations are accelerating progress towards net zero targets with regulatory compliance.

What’s inside?

  1. 1

    The key challenges in supply chain decarbonisation

  2. 2

    How Agreena Business Solutions enables verified carbon reduction claims

  3. 3

    The role of digital MRV technology in scaling regenerative agriculture

  4. 4

    Case studies & success stories from industry leaders

Why it matters?

Future-proof your sustainability strategies

Companies across the food and finance sectors struggle to access reliable agricultural data. This report offers actionable insights into how crop and field level insights can provide accurate, verified data for Scope 3 reductions.