Store carbon. Restore soil.
Harvest the benefits.

We help farmers to profitably transition to regenerative practices and companies to reach their sustainability goals. We’re making tomorrow’s sustainable agriculture system a reality today.

Fight climate change while protecting farms

Regenerative farming captures carbon in the ground and keeps it there, promoting healthier soil and more resilient farms.

Investing in it can future-proof your business, help fight climate change and support a more secure and sustainable agriculture system.

A win-win strategy

We’ll help you put less carbon into the air and more into the ground

Farmers who transition to regenerative practices on the AgreenaCarbon programme earn high-quality carbon credits.

Companies contribute to net-zero goals by buying those credits and promoting sustainable farming in their supply chains and portfolios.

It’s a winning strategy for farmers, companies and the planet.


"Less tilling means less moisture evaporates, leaving more water for the plants. Which is extremely important given the dry conditions we have from time to time."

Hans D. Poulsen

JD Agro Cocora Farm, Romania
12,000 hectares


"Agreena offers a professional platform for data collection, verification and issuance of carbon credits, which delivers great potential value for farmers."

Henning Haahr

Group CEO of Danish Agro

Carbon farming is good business…

For farmers

  • Earn high-quality carbon credits for transitioning from conventional to regenerative farming practices

  • Sell credits for an extra income – we can help you find the best price or sell them for you

  • Join on a flexible, farmer-friendly contract

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For companies

  • Buy high-quality credits to support sustainability and achieve beyond-value-chain mitigation (BVCM) goals

  • Get insights into your agricultural supply chains and expert guidance on decarbonising them

  • Use field-level data and services to support and document agricultural clients’ transition to sustainable operations

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Sky-high technology ensures ground-level sustainability

We use satellites, AI and a rigorous verification protocol to ensure credits accurately represent carbon stored in the soil. Our tools and services offer field-level insights and end-to-end traceability on the sustainability of supply chains, investments and more.

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Our solutions


Earn carbon credits by farming more sustainably

Reap the rewards of regenerative farming and secure your farm’s future by transitioning to sustainable practices.

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Mask seedAccent seed

Buy high-quality, nature-based carbon credits

Make climate contributions and reach your sustainability goals while helping finance regenerative agriculture.

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Mask seedAccent seed
Agrifood businesses

Make your supply chains more sustainable

Reduce the environmental footprint of your products with the help of our expert guidance and innovative, data-driven services.

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Governments and NGOs

Verify and incentivise sustainable outcomes

Our MRV technology can verify regenerative practices in areas where you want to promote or manage sustainability initiatives or projects.

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Financial institutions

Decarbonise your portfolio

Want to confidently offer favourable borrowing terms to customers with sustainable operations? Use our proven services to verify their regenerative practices.

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A combine harvester harvesting a fieldA combine harvester harvesting a field

Why Agreena?

We offer high-quality, near real-time data at the field level. This underpins a farmers platform that’s easier than ever to join and services that scale to meet companies’ needs.

Everything we do is backed up by industry-leading satellite and AI technology, strict adherence to international standards and third-party verification.

  • #1soil carbon programme in Europe
  • 19active markets and growing
  • 1,000+programme participants
  • 2,000,000+hectares under management
  • €15,000,000+paid out to farmers so far